How to Optimize Production in a Small Orchard

When industry members speak about pecans in Argentina, it’s impossible not to mention Alejandro Lavista Llanos, who is one of the people that began to write pecan’s history in the country. Alejandro Lavista Llanos has been an agronomist for 54 years and accumulated more than 36 years of experience in pecan production through his own...

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A pecan orchard in Cerros Azules, Uruguay, during dusk. The setting sun has cast a bluish hue across the pecan orchard.

Uruguay, South America’s small but rising producer

In previous issues, we have analyzed the evolution of pecan production throughout South America and several countries’ efforts to develop markets and position themselves as pecan suppliers to global consumers. Today, it’s Uruguay’s turn. The second smallest country in South America, Uruguay borders Brazil, Argentina, and the Atlantic Ocean. Its location near the Argentine Mesopotamia...

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